Coronavirus Updates

I know that many of you are growing increasingly concerned about the impact the coronavirus is having on our district and the Commonwealth. I share your concerns and I am working hard to address them.

To keep you as informed as possible, I’ve created a “Coronavirus Updates” page on my website that I will keep updated with the latest information. Please feel free to bookmark it and check it often for the latest updates and guidance.

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Reopening Massachusetts Email Update (5/18/20)

Today, the Governor announced Reopening Massachusetts, the Commonwealth’s gradual and phased approach for reopening the Massachusetts economy amid the COVID-19 public health crisis. The Administration released the Reopening Advisory Board’s report, which details a four-phased strategy to responsibly reopen businesses and activities, while continuing to fight COVID-19. Starting today – based on current public health data and trends – Massachusetts will begin Phase 1 of a cautious reopening, and workplaces that are permitted to open are required to follow new safety protocols and guidance.

Learn more in my latest email update

OPINION: Friedman writes, actions taken by the state providing positive results

The COVID-19 public health crisis has placed an unprecedented strain on Massachusetts residents, businesses, our healthcare system and our economy. We’ve made extraordinary sacrifices as the state took swift science-driven measures to slow the spread of the virus and save lives. 

Massachusetts acted fast and early, implementing a stay-at-home advisory, social distancing guidelines and closure of non-essential businesses. Simultaneously, the state dramatically expanded testing and hospital capacity, allowing us to test 10,000 plus residents per day and increasing intensive care unit (ICU) bed capacity by 80%.

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COVID-19 Email Update (5/7/20)

It finally feels like spring has sprung! I hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy the weather – at a 6-foot distance from others, of course. As we continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to provide you with an update. Click on the link below to view my latest email update, which includes information on the new face covering Executive Order, the new COVID-19 Constituent Resource Guide, recent legislative action to address the virus, Mental Health Awareness Month, and more!

Click here to read my latest email update

COVID-19 Email Update (4/22/20)

I hope you are doing well and staying healthy! I wanted to provide you with an update on the state’s response to COVID-19. Click on the link below to view my latest email update, which includes information on legislation recently passed by the Senate and House, the state’s new COVID-19 data dashboard, unemployment assistance, job opportunities, health insurance information, and more!

Click here to read my latest email update

COVID-19 Email Update (4/11/20)

I hope you are doing well and staying healthy! I wanted to provide you with an update on the state’s response to COVID-19. Click on the link below to view my latest email update, which includes information on legislation recently passed by the Senate, the state’s new Nursing Home Family Resource line, the new Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund, unemployment assistance, small business relief, domestic violence and sexual assault resources, and more!

Click here to view my latest email update

Advocates hail AG Maura Healey’s efforts to improve mental health parity; insurers argue laws remain ambiguous

Attorney General Maura Healey announced settlements resolving allegations that three health insurance companies — Harvard Pilgrim, Fallon and AllWays Health Partners — violated the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. She also announced agreements to improve behavioral health access with four other companies: Beacon Health Strategies, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Optum and Tufts Health Plan.

Sen. Cindy Friedman, who has spoken out about her efforts to get mental health treatment for her family, applauded Healey’s office for addressing what she called a lack of parity compliance.

Friedman also said the agreements help make the case that the Legislature should pass the Senate’s own parity bill, the Mental Health ABC Act, that passed earlier this month. “I’m hopeful that the Legislature will recognize the seriousness and urgency of the issue highlighted by the attorney general today and take appropriate action this session,” she said in a statement.

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Philly to open country’s first safe injection facility. Could Mass. be next?

BOSTON — As Philadelphia announced it will open the country’s first safe injection site in South Philly, legislation is underway at the State House to open sites in Massachusetts.

“I think it’s good news and I’m glad the city is moving forward on a safe injection facility,” said Senator Cindy Friedman. Friedman served on the state’s task force studying safe injection sites. She says while she’s happy Philly is opening a facility, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re much closer to getting one in Mass.

“I think it will be a great test for everybody. I’m not sure it will have a huge influence on Massachusetts because I know that our U.S. Attorney has vowed that he won’t be swayed by the decision,” she said.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Mental Health ABC Act

The Senate recently passed the Mental Health: Addressing Barriers to Care (ABC) Act, a comprehensive bill aimed at reforming the mental health care system in our state. I had the pleasure of working closely with Senate President Karen Spilka, Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues, and Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery Chair Julian Cyr in crafting and passing this important piece of legislation, and I’m so pleased with the product of our work. The bill is now before the House of Representatives for consideration. Throughout the remainder of the 2019-2020 legislative session, I will continue to advocate for this important bill – among the many other bills I’m working on this session – because I know how critical it is to my constituents in the 4th Middlesex district and to residents across Massachusetts.

For those who still have questions about the bill or want to learn more about why this bill is so important to our district and the Commonwealth, please click on the following link:

Everything You Need to Know About the Mental Health ABC Act