9 state senators to review sexual harassment policies MassLive

BOSTON — Nine senators were named Thursday to a committee that will review the state Senate’s sexual harassment policies and procedures, a task they have about four months to complete.

The Senate adopted an order (S.2262) establishing the committee, which is chaired by Salem Democrat Sen. Joan Lovely, and giving it a May 15 deadline to report its findings and recommendations.

The committee’s other members are Democrat Sens. Sonia Chang-Diaz of Jamaica Plain, Cindy Friedman of Arlington, Anne Gobi of Spencer, John Keenan of Quincy and Karen Spilka of Ashland, and Republican Sens. Don Humason of Westfield and Richard Ross of Wrentham.

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We Must Defend the Safe Communities Act

Late last year, voters received mailers from the Mass Fiscal Alliance directly attacking the Safe Communities Act (S.1305). These mailers were misleading, inaccurate, and solely designed to provoke backlash against the Safe Communities Act and the Commonwealth’s undocumented immigrant population.

In light of these deceitful and deeply disturbing mailers, I felt the need to clear up any confusion with regards to the intent of and provisions included in the Safe Communities Act. First and foremost, nothing in the Act offers protection or immunity to criminals. This is perhaps the biggest misconception about the bill and cannot be overstated. Instead of providing “sanctuary” to criminals as many have wrongfully argued, the bill instead explicitly permits police to arrest or detain a person in the course of a criminal investigation or prosecution when supported by probable cause that the person has committed a crime.

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Baker makes pitch for latest bill targeting opioid addiction The Lowell Sun

BOSTON — Gov. Charlie Baker, entering the final year of his first term, pitched the Democrat-controlled Legislature Tuesday on the idea of working with him over the coming months to improve the state’s drug addiction treatment and prevention system in what could quickly become one of the biggest debates of 2018.

Some of the many proposals in the CARE Act, which the governor filed in November, appeared to be slam-dunks with lawmakers, including the education component, while others may require more salesmanship.

PAARI founder John Rosenthal and Sen. Cindy Friedman both questioned why the bill didn’t do more to hold pharmaceutical companies responsible for the role they have played in the addiction crisis and make them a partner in funding treatment and recovery.

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Billerica Shawsheen Tech hosts rededication of technology shop Billerica Minuteman

Superintendent/Director Timothy Broadrick welcomed more than 30 guests into the machine technology shop at Shawsheen Valley Regional Technical High School on Dec. 19 for the rededication of the shop following a capital investment program with funds provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Attendees heard remarks from State Rep. James Miceli, Rep. Kenneth Gordon, Sen. Cindy Friedman, along with Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash. This rededication and ribbon-cutting ceremony brought together supporters from the business community as well as academic partners, along with students, faculty, administrators and members of the Shawsheen School Committee.

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Billerica celebrates MLK Jr. Day Billerica Minuteman

As members of the Billerica faith community gathered for a community brunch on Jan. 15, celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, love was the message.

“Love does something, love creates policies that create growth and human flourishing, love is actualized in concrete actions, love engages the facts of another’s existence, love feeds the hungry person, loves clothes the naked person,” said Reverend Julian Cook, senior pastor of Saint Mark Congregational Church in Roxbury. “Dr. King used to say, ‘love seeks to preserve community.’ It is the only cement that can hold the community together.”

State Sen. Cindy Friedman asked Cook what his priorities would be if he was a legislator. Cook said above all, he would look to address poverty.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Statement

As we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day today, we remember and honor an individual who was crucial in the fight to advance civil rights in our nation. Today is also a day to recognize the progress we’ve made since the Civil Rights Era, but also to realize the work we must continue to do to create a more inclusive society for everyone.

Dr. King, once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” We talk about standing up for others all the time, but are we always taking action?

We all have big ideas, dreams, and intentions, but what are we doing in our daily lives to see them through? I encourage you to challenge yourself in 2018, step outside of your comfort zone, and make a conscious effort to make a difference in the lives of your neighbors. I encourage you to step up and fight back – to organize with members of your communities, join resist movements, and get involved. Don’t be a bystander.

What are you going to do to stand up for others, especially those most vulnerable in our society? As we recognize Dr. King today, let us be reminded that there is always something that we can do to make our society a little bit better and more equal for people of all races, genders, and religious ideals every single day.

No bump yet for Massachusetts minimum wage earners Worcester Telegram

Despite support from a majority of its members, legislation raising the Massachusetts minimum wage from $11 to $15 is ending the same way it began last year – pending before the Democrat-controlled Labor and Workforce Development Committee.

A News Service review determined at least 11 of 17 members of the Labor and Workforce Development Committee, which has had custody of the $15 minimum wage bill throughout 2017, are co-sponsors of the bills. They are committee co-chair Sen. Jason Lewis, vice chair Sen. Patricia Jehlen and Sens. Sal DiDomenico, John Keenan and Cindy Friedman, along with Reps. Elizabeth Malia, Christine Barber, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Steve Ultrino, Gerard Cassidy and Juana Matias.

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Cindy’s Quarterly Newsletter

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. As we approach the New Year, please take a look at my inaugural quarterly newsletter using the link below. It provides a brief update on what the Senate has accomplished this fall, and highlights some of my major priorities moving forward.

As always, hearing from you on the issues you care most about helps inform my day-to-day work in the Senate. Please do not hesitate to make your voice heard by contacting me via the contact form on my website, by telephone at (617) 722-1432, by email at Cindy.Friedman@masenate.gov, or by mail at Senator Cindy Friedman, State House, Room 413-D, Boston, MA 02133.

Click here to view my quarterly newsletter

Click here to view the full 2017-2018 Senate Session Report

Sen. Friedman announces 100th day in office Burlington Union

Sen. Cindy Friedman, D-Arlington, recently celebrated her 100th day in the Massachusetts State Senate and released a comprehensive list of noteworthy moments since she was sworn into office on July 27, 2017. This summer, Friedman ran in a special election to succeed the late Sen. Ken Donnelly, who passed away from brain cancer in April. She had worked as his chief of staff for nearly a decade.

‘Today marks my 100th day in office,’ Friedman said in an email to constituents. ‘During the campaign, I said that I’d be ‘ready on Day 1’ and I meant it.’

Since the official swearing-in ceremony, Friedman has traveled throughout the 4th Middlesex district meeting with constituents, speaking at community events and discussing important issues impacting Massachusetts. She began her legislative duties at the State House by taking part in several key votes in the Senate to reform the criminal justice system, contain health care costs, reduce property tax rates for seniors, military personnel, people with disabilities, and more.”

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My First 100 Days in Office

Today marks my 100th day in office! During the campaign, I said that I’d be “ready on Day 1,” and I meant it.

Since August, I’ve had the pleasure of travelling throughout the 4th Middlesex district to meet with constituents, attend and speak at community events, and discuss important issues that affect all of us. I also eagerly began my legislative duties at the State House in Boston and took part in several key votes in the Senate to reform our criminal justice system, contain healthcare costs, reduce property tax rates for our seniors, military personnel, and the disabled, and much more. It’s been a busy few months and I’ve enjoyed every minute representing you on Beacon Hill.

To better understand what I’ve been up to, click here to view 100 moments from the past 100 days.