Sponsored Legislation
S.1867 An Act relative to taxes due upon the death of active duty personnel and the elderly
This bill would extend the time period of the deferred property tax rate to one year after the death of the property owner receiving the deferment in order to allow for probate and the settling of any will. This would give heirs time to either sell the property or pay the taxes before the interest rate rises back up to 16% on deferred taxes. This change would only be applicable to active duty military personnel and the elderly who have received a deferment.
S.1868 An Act relative to establishing a criminal justice and community support trust fund
This bill would establish a Criminal Justice and Community Support Trust Fund, administered by the Department of Mental Health, in consultation with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Funds would be used for grants to support county and community-based jail diversion programs for persons with mental illness or substance use disorder, and for community policing and behavioral health training initiatives.
Cosponsored Legislation
S.1897 An Act providing financial relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic (Lesser)
S.1919 An Act relative to real estate tax abatements to help businesses impacted by the Phase IV reopening plan (Lovely)