Senate Passes Charlottesville Resolution, Friedman Attends Boston Peace Rally

BOSTON-Last Thursday, the Massachusetts State Senate issued a Joint Resolution with the House of Representatives and Governor Charlie Baker in response to the acts of hatred and violence in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. The resolution was adopted and enacted during a ceremony on the Grand Staircase with the Governor and several members of the legislature.

In offering her comments on the resolution, State Senator Cindy Friedman said: “I’m proud to have co-sponsored the Charlottesville Resolution which was unanimously passed as a joint resolution by the Senate and House last week. This is an important statement that we made to the individuals who chose hate and violence instead of peace and acceptance in Virginia.”

Friedman went on, “These are difficult times that call for all of us to assert the core value that this country was founded on – that we are all created equal and should be treated as such. We need to stand up to anyone who would deny that to someone because they are not of a certain color, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.”

Friedman also joined constituents and residents from across the Commonwealth at the Boston peace rally on Saturday where nearly 40,000 people marched from the Reggie Lewis Center to the Boston Common to condemn white supremacy and unite in solidarity with Charlottesville.

“I was proud to attend the peace rally on Saturday and stand united with like-minded individuals who care about their fellow human beings, regardless of who they are or where they come from,” Friedman stated. “The crowd was filled with good feelings and positive energy all day long.”

Friedman continued, “One of my favorite quotes from the weekend was printed on a t-shirt of a fellow marcher: ‘People make choices. Choices make history.’ The people of our state made a choice on Saturday. We showed up and fought for what is right – and I am so incredibly proud to have been a part of that fight.”

Senator Friedman was also present at a Solidarity and Action Event in Arlington last week, where she spoke to a crowd of over 200. Similar gatherings have taken place across the 4th Middlesex district.
