“How to Be an Effective Citizen Lobbyist”: 7-9 p.m. Sept. 18, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church vestry, 630 Mass. Ave., Arlington. Want to learn more about how to be heard and influence government decisions? Join in for a conversation with state Sen. Cindy Friedman and Colleen Kirby, the criminal justice legislative specialist for the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts and a member of First Parish Arlington’s Mass Incarceration Working Group. This free program is sponsored by First Parish Arlington’s Mass Incarceration Working Group and is open to all. Questions? Email end-mass-incarceration@firstparish.info.
Friedman reaches out with fresh website, office hours Your Arlington
State Sen. Cindy Friedman of Arlington, Democrat representing the 4th Middlesex, has announced the creation of her official Senate website — www.cindyfriedman.org — and began holding monthly office hours.
“I’m very excited that our website is up and running,” Friedman said in a Sept. 7 news release. To keep constituents up-to-date on news from the State House, she expects frequent updates on the website, in a quarterly newsletter, as well as on Facebook and Twitter. “One of the most effective ways to ensure your voice is heard is to meet face-to-face with your senator or representative,’ she said. ‘I look forward to holding office hours in the 4th Middlesex each month.”
If you are unable to attend office hours, she encouraged the public to contact her office at 617-722-1432 or at Cindy.Friedman@masenate.gov.
First Parish Church – Charlottesville Vigil Arlington Community Media, Inc
Legislative updates, information on office hours, and more! August E-Newsletter, August 24, 2017.
Important information regarding rallies scheduled for Saturday, August 18th in Boston
I have heard from many of you about safety concerns regarding the potential “free speech” rally that may occur this weekend on the Boston Common. The Governor and Mayor Walsh are well aware of what’s going on and the City of Boston is being proactive in its preparation to ensure the public’s safety.
For those looking to join or organize a counter-protest, community and faith-based leaders have encouraged the participation in one, united peaceful gathering away from the Boston Common. Alternatively, I encourage all to attend the many gatherings and vigils that are happening across our state this wee, as I did in Arlington on Wednesday.
For the most up to date safety information this weekend, please visit bpdnews.com or follow @marty_walsh and @bostonpolice on Twitter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office by phone at (617) 722-1432 or by email at Cindy.Friedman@masenate.gov.
Click here for more information regarding Saturday’s rallies
Hundreds attend Arlington solidarity gathering wake of Charlottesville Arlington Advocate
Naomi Greenfield, the Arlington Human Rights Committee member who organized the event, stood next to State Senator Cindy Friedman, D-Arlington, microphone in hand, and addressed the crowd of over 200 in front of her. She introduced the night’s action items: writing postcards to elected officials, writing letters to residents of Charlottesville, Virginia in the wake of a deadly white supremacist rally last weekend, signing a “Commitment to Change” poster that will hang in the Robbins Library and creating posters for a counter-protest planned in response to an Aug. 19 “free speech rally” that some people fear is actually a white nationalist rally similar to the one in Virginia.
Friedman spoke at the beginning of the gathering, before everyone dispersed to action stations. She described her own sadness about the events that occurred in Charlottesville and called for action after the gathering ended.
“We move forward only to find ourselves coming back to the same issues,” Friedman said. “We are responsible for being voices of tolerance and understanding. We all need to expand tonight’s actions and we’ll need to put ourselves out there.”
Joint Resolution and Proclamation adopted by the House, the Senate and the Governor of Massachusetts, August 17, 2017
Unity and Empowerment at Inaugural Women in the Workforce Breakfast Restaurant Opportunities Center United
This week, ROC United and ROC-Boston held the Inaugural Women in the Workplace Breakfast. The event offered a unique opportunity to learn how to get involved in the growing movement for dignity and fairness for women in the workforce, particularly in Massachusetts’ restaurant industry.
Attendees heard powerful and insightful remarks and reflections from an all-women panel of speakers including ROC & National League for Nursing members-leaders Rachael Collins and Marie Billiel, Executive Chef & Co-Owner of Bon Me, Ali Fong, Executive Director & CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, Fatima Goss Graves, Massachusetts Senator Cindy F. Friedman, and Director of the Harvard Labor & Worklife Program, Sharon Block.
State’s tax revenue for July larger than initially estimated WWLP 22 News
BOSTON (WWLP) – The state is starting off the new fiscal year slightly above benchmark in revenue collections, after experiencing a revenue shortfall last fiscal year.
Revenue collections for the month of July totaled about $1.8 billion, according to the state’s Department of Revenue. This puts the state $6 million above July’s expectations. The state saw growth in withholding, sales and meals taxes, but income tax collections came in slightly below benchmark. This comes at a time when lawmakers are considering overriding some of Governor Charlie Baker’s line item vetoes from the 2018 state budget.
Arlington State Senator Cindy Friedman told 22News she hopes that the legislature restores spending in areas including criminal justice, mental health and substance abuse treatment programs.
Arlington Resident Cindy, 13th Woman in MA Senate Arlington Patch
“Ok, no more excuses. If you don’t swing the bat you can’t hit the ball.” —Cindy Friedman
Friedman threw her hat in the ring for state Senate with the support of Donnelley’s staff, family and her own circle, and then took to door-knocking. Lots of door-knocking, across all the districts.